What Does it Mean to Be a Conscious Creative?

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Here is a list of what it means to be a conscious creative:

· You are committed to leaving the world a better place and doing so by creating something

that is of service to others

· You use creativity as a way to drive your own growth

· You have known from a young age that you are here to change the world in some way

· You sense or know that you will change the world by being yourself and expressing your truth

·You believe you are here for a reason

· You are in it for the process and journey, not the outcome

· You would pay to do your dream work

· You know your worth and are open to receiving money and other forms of abundance

· Your work is not merely something to earn a living by, but a contribution to the lives of others

·You are aware of energetic principles and know how to apply the right mindset

· You are driven, ambitious, and obsessed with your dream work, but it comes from a sense of knowing you were put here to be of service and change the world.

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