A Book Club for all the Soul Sisters out There


By Mathilde Loujayne, author of Big Little Steps: A Woman’s Guide to Finding a Balanced Lifestyle and a Glowing Heart in Islam.


In January 2019, I created Soul Sisters, a book club on Goodreads where I write about all the books that have moved and inspired me over the years, hoping to discuss them openly with both the author of the book and its readers. The book club celebrates a mix of Islamic literature, fiction and self-help that mostly focus on female empowerment and embracing Islam.

I converted when I was eighteen years old and this year marks my eighteenth anniversary as a Muslim. Since my conversion, my friends and family have often asked me for book recommendations in an effort to better understand the Quran, the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him), and why I, a French PR expat living in Dubai, became a Muslim.

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For as long as I can remember, I have always been intrigued about all forms of religion. Since finding my faith in God as a child, reading has been a way to quench my thirst for religious knowledge and satisfy my curiosity. I remember how reading the Quran cover-to-cover was an eye-opening and healing experience that helped me find inner peace.

Throughout my journey, I have read a number of books by inspiring authors that highlight the beauty of Islam. These are the books that I want to share in my book club.

— Mathilde.

Check out Mathilde’s book Big Little Steps and follow @ourbiglittlesteps on Instagram and Facebook to  be part of the community and conversation.